On Earth Day 2014, CBA’s Monofilament Recycling Program began as a class project for the Destin Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2013-2014 Destin FORWARD class. Each year, the Destin FORWARD group designs a philanthropy project for the Destin community. Understanding the economic ties between Destin and its waterways as a vacation/fishing destination, the 2013-2014 group knew establishing a Monofilament Recycling Program would benefit the health and sustainability of local waterways.
Often, a derelict fishing line finds its way into the marine environment, where it poses a threat to both humans and wildlife - hundreds of fish, birds, and land animals are entangled in monofilament each year. Wildlife entanglement can be treacherous, resulting in drowning, starvation, loss of limb, and even death. This non-degradable plastic monofilament takes over 600 years to break down!
CBA’s Monofilament Recycling Program bins are located at various points along the Destin Harbor, at Bluewater Bay Marina Complex in Niceville, FL, Veterans and Ross Marler Park on Okaloosa Island, Nick’s Seafood Restaurant in Freeport, FL, as well as Cessna and Thomas Pilcher Parks in Walton County.